About Us

Sliding Glass Doors Hard To Open?

Who We Are

Sliding doors are very popular in Florida. As such, they need an ace repairman to fix them when they break down. That was the thinking behind Andy’s Sliding Glass Door Repairs! We started 6 years ago, and we’re still going strong today! Parts of Florida have a high salt concentration in the air due to their proximity to the ocean. This can be a disaster for sliding doors. The salt air can wear down both the track and the rollers, leaving your door in poor condition. At Andy’s, we can replace your rollers and repair your track. If necessary, we can replace the entire screen door. However, we often find rollers or bad tracks to be the issue. We value transparency at Andy’s, and we go out of our way to save our customers money. If all you need is a roller replacement or new track, we’ll let you know! That way you only have to replace one part instead of getting a brand-new sliding door. Our customers love us, and we’ve built positive and long-lasting relationships with all of them! They love our mobile service, quality of work, and professional staff. We provide our services to all the Florida Keys! That includes Marathon and Melbourne, Florida! If you want excellent sliding glass door repair, look no further than Andy’s! No other service comes close to matching our expertise, quality of work, and affordability! Don’t wait to give us a call today at (305) 998-8953 to get started now! You can also email us at andyslidingdoors@yahoo.com.


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